Live on purpose.

Live your best life by being intentional and practicing self-care.
Here are the two main types of self-care and ideas to start implementing today.

An MXVII candle lit with crystals an a woman reading a book.

Treat yo’ self.

This is both everyone’s favorite and the one everyone struggles with. This is the type of self-care that includes treating yourself to things that make you feel good about yourself and help boost your energy. This could include getting your hair done, going for walks outdoors, spending the afternoon reading, or lighting a candle.

People often avoid this type of self-care because of guilt, time constraints, financial issues, or other obligations. People tend to view this type as an indulgence only “IF” they have extra time or money.

This type of self-care is essential to operate as your best self, and it needs to be viewed as mandatory. You can’t pour from an empty cup, and if you neglect yourself consistently you will burn out. You must plan to include this self-care into your routine. You will be a much better you for it.


Self-care goes way beyond bubble baths and getting your nails done, and this is the CORE element.

Self-care is ultimately about living a life you don’t need an escape from. A life where you are not dreading your drive to work, your routine, your social life, your home, etc.

When you are living intentionally, you are taking advantage of all moments in life. You embrace all moments as opportunities to be intentional and incorporate your values where they matter most.

A person who lives consistently with their values is a person who says no to things that aren’t in line with their best self. They say no to social gatherings or commitments that don’t bring them joy. They don’t live on autopilot or waste precious moments of their lives on things that don’t add value or feed their spirit.

This type is DIFFICULT. It requires discipline and confronting pain that is ultimately better for you in the long  run, despite how impossible it might feel.

Of course, this doesn’t mean you will always be able to say no and won’t ever have to do things that you don’t want to do. It just means deliberately making choices about your habits, behaviors, and thoughts, and knowing that when you do have to do things you don’t want to do, you will decide how that experience affects you and be consistent with your values.

An overhead look at an MXVII candle lit with a desert inspired plant.


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